固定電話: 0535-6328630
Contact: Calvin Huang
Add:No.216. Fenghuangshan Rd., Fushan Dist.,Yantai
1. 模腔的規格可按照客戶要求的尺寸制作,可生產多種規格EPS板材。
Chamber size can be set by customer, can produce various types of EPS blocks.
2. 靈活的模腔間隔裝置可以輕松實現板材長度的調整。
Flexiable chamberseparation device.
3. 模腔材料選用優質鋼材,經過專業焊接及精密機加工及熱處理,保證設備在運轉過程中各模腔的強度。
The chamber is preciously welded by qualified steel and after precious CNC machining, also the heat treatment is a must.
4. 模腔不銹鋼板采用精密激光切縫,在保證鋼板強度的同時也提高了蒸汽的通過性,合理的尺寸設計能保證蒸汽順暢均勻地通過。
Precious laser cutting ensures the strength of the steam plates. Improves the pass ability of steam.
5. 對于阻燃板,模腔不銹鋼板經過優質特氟龍涂層,充分適應阻燃液的化學及物理特性,使得阻燃板材成型后脫模順暢。
For the Flame retarding Block, the steam plates are coated with advanced Feflon to ensure Block exhausting more smooth.
6. 移動模腔采用軌道平移的方式,經由精密調教,并由若干油缸平穩推動,實現了模腔開閉的平穩順暢。
Front chamber is designed into parallel moving type, it can open and close smoothly.
7. 鎖模機構采用液壓精密控制,實現所有鎖模鉤同時動作,避免模腔關閉不均勻。
Chamber clamping device are driven by hydrolic.
8. 特殊設計的料倉使得原料在進入模腔前充分攪拌均勻。(阻燃型)
Specially designed hopper ensures the material be mixed well. (For Flame retarding type)
9. 原裝進口的料槍,采用二階段填料方式,縮短了填料時間,并消除了邊角部分填料不滿、不能成型等缺陷。
Imported Feeder, reduces feeding time, improves the feeding efficiency and quality.
10. 蒸汽與排水接管方式采用金屬密封,避免了傳統的膠皮管連結方式易產生泄露的缺陷,實現了半永久性的連結系統。
The steam and water connection is done by metal, it ensures reliable connection.
11. 原裝進口的閥門充分保證了蒸汽的精密調節,使得板材成型更加均勻。
Imported valves ensures the steam adjusted preciously.
12. 強勁高效的真空系統能充分保證板材成型及冷卻的時間達到最短,最大程度提高了生產的效率。
Strong vacuum system ensures shorter cooling time, improves efficiency.
13. 合理的蒸汽、排水管路設計能使模腔內EPS原料得到很好的成型。
Reasonable steam, exhaust piping system ensures EPS are shaped well.
14. 用戶可以根據實際情況選裝大板長度及寬度自動調節裝置(選配項目,阻燃型板不適用)。
The length and Height of the product can be adjusted(Optional, not suitable for Flame retarding Block)
15. 友好便捷的人機界面,全自動的程序控制,使得機器的操作簡單快捷,最大限度減少了因為誤操作產生的損失。
Friendly MMI, full automatic program control, easy operation.
Bottom chamber can be adjusted(optional)
Optimized piping system ensures steam in chamber even.
Flexiable chamber separation device makes the block length adjustable.
Precious CNC machining of chamber.
Strong vacuum system reduces cooling time.
Imported feeder ensures feeding process even.
目錄 |
單位 |
BM-4012VS |
BM-6012VS |
BM-5012VSW |
BM-7512VSW |
氣缸直徑及行程 |
mm×mm×數量 |
∮63×700×4 |
∮63×700×4 |
∮63×1030×4 |
∮63×1030×4 |
液壓泵馬達 |
kw |
5.5 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
料斗體積和料槍 |
m3×數量 |
3.5×∮90×12 |
6×∮90×24 |
7×∮90×16 |
11×∮90×22 |
連接管直徑 |
蒸汽 |
壓力(kg/c㎡) |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
直徑(A) |
125 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
消耗量(kg/hr) |
800 |
1000 |
1160 |
1160 |
空氣 |
壓力(kg/c㎡) |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
直徑(A) |
60 |
65 |
40 |
40 |
消耗量(kg/hr) |
47 |
78 |
78 |
121 |
真空冷卻水 |
壓力(kg/c㎡) |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
溫度(℃) |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
直徑(A) |
50 |
65 |
50 |
50 |
消耗量(kg/hr) |
4 |
5.5 |
6.3 |
7.5 |
排水/排氣 |
直徑(A) |
125(200) |
150(300) |
125(250) |
125(250) |
真空缸和泵 |
缸(m3) |
2.5 |
4.6 |
4.7 |
5.5 |
泵馬達(kw) |
22×4P×1 |
15×4P×2 |
15×4P×2 |
18.75×4P×2 |
冷卻水管直徑(A) |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
送料鼓風機 |
kw |
5.5×2P×1set |
5.5×2P×2set |
3.7×2P×2set |
5.5×2P×2set |
電力 |
kw |
33 |
46.5 |
45 |
56 |
機械尺寸 |
長寬高(mm) |
14450×3220×4580 |
22000×3100×4300 |
16900×4070×4630 |
22000×3910×4890 |
模腔尺寸 |
長寬高(mm) |
4000×1200×600 |
6000×1220×630 |
5000×1200×900 |
7500×1200×900 |
機械重量 |
ton |
15 |
19 |
20 |
22 |